
Showing posts from September, 2018



tea pot non functional



its cool how john hoke is the chief design officer of nike even with dyslexia.  i can relate to him because was a good athlete as a kid. i also like to draw sneakers.  im also not into essays or text and would rather draw. i can realy relate to john.

Re thinking the way we sit down

This video was very interesting.  Most chairs require you to pull something to adjust it but his chair was well thought out and was automatic adjustment.  I thought it was cool how the chair would balance your wait.  Also, the chair was meant for someone tall and short.  This chair looked like it took a lot of time to work on.  He thought about how people sit and where the weight is and reclining back would take the weight off from your tail bone. Well thought out and impressive is what I thought about it.

color, texture




Homework 1

I thought the article was very interesting.  I never noticed how street signs could be designed badly.  An everyday person may not realize the bad street sign but a designer will. I work at UPS and it was cool to read about how UPS changed its design in the past.  I never knew they changed there logo.  Overall, I liked this article.