
homework 7

Using less ink is good for saving ink.  Starbucks used less ink and look how successful there company has been.  As also shown in the article, printer ink is one of the worlds most expensive liquids.  Saving just a little bit of ink will go a long way. Overall when designing a logo, saving ink could help in the long run.

final project


Face ai


Homework 6

This article was very interesting when reading it. It’s crazy how Neil was put in jail for over two years for what he did. He did deserve it but it’s crazy how he pulled it off. It shows how powerful just the branding of a product can be to humans. It shows how just the branding and packaging of a product can be the result of how successful it becomes.  I learned a lot from this and was quite amazed.

Movie Poster


movie plot

On my poster I was going to show a picture of me laying down in a soccer uniform looking depressed and sad. I was also going to show an x-ray of a broken leg in the background showing that I was injured.  The title would be "The Comeback" showing the comeback from the injury.  I was thinking one side of the poster could be me depressed and the x-ray and the other side could be me happy playing again. The movie would overall be me overcoming an injury and getting back to where I started.